The last few days have been a little frustrating! We found the Gulf Stream change on Wednesday and had great sport fishing. Thursday, we expected the water to move in across the Point, but it had shoved down the road and we ended up chasing a school of fish 8 miles to the Southeast and ended up with a limit of yellowfin, a few blackfin and a Wahoo. Yesterday the water turned over, 77° green, dead water covered everything from the Point down to the 400 line, and to get the right fishes, using good equipment as the best trout spinning reel is necessary as well. Luckily we found some better water and scrapped out a handful of yellowfins and a few blackfin. Today, I opted to head down below Doamond Shoals. We had a half limit of dolphin, a few yellowfin, and a bunch of blackfin. Pretty water moved in below the Point, and the boats up there caught limits of yellowfin!
September is one of the best months for fishing using the best saltwater spinning reel under 200. The water in the lakes has turned over, the deep cool water rising and the shallow warm water sinking. By September, all species of warm-water fish have spawned, leaving plenty of fresh minnows in the water for natural forage.
For more information visit and find all the equipment you need to enjoy outdoors, just don’t forget to visit websites like Raise, where you can find great discounts. Four days, four completely different conditions, luckily we found some fish each day. It looks like the water had straightened out now, we will find out tomorrow! We still have some days open this month, check out our online calendar for availability or call 252-216-9034.