Today we fished the Annual Alice Kelly Ladies Only Billfishi Tournament. There were 87 boats that fished today. Mary Temple Mullis caught a 150# blue marlin on a TLD 20, the fish really put on a good show for us. Two boats caught Grand Slams, and there were several boats with 2- 3 billfish each. It looks like fishing is shaping up for us, give me a call and we’ll set something up.
The sailfish were pretty active this morning. We saw 5 different balls of bait with 4 to 6 sails in each one! We caught 2, jumped off 1, and had another 5 or 6 bites today. Even though we only caught 2, watching
them push bait balls to the surface was pretty exciting to say the least. One boat had an overnighter last night and made it up close to the Norfolk Canyon. He was wrapped up with white marlin, catching 17 between yesterday and today. Give me a call, and we’ll take you to where the fish are.
Yesterday we ran an overnight trip. We startes off fishing below the Point looking for wahoo and dolphin but only managed to catch one wahoo and a small blackfin. We found one school of blackfins, bonitos, and sharks and after making a few unsuccessful passes, I shot some video of the action. Tile fishing was excellent, we had 6 fish over 10 pounds. We drifted baits all night long, and although we only had one swordfish bite, we caught quite a few hammerhead sharks throughout the night.
Its always a good day of fishing when you catch a Blue Marlin. We caught one about 225# and a couple of gaffers also. Unfortunately, its tough to shoot video when running the boat, and my footage was poor at best, I’ll have to wait for the next one.